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Before confirming your booking, check the cancellation policy set by your host


The booking can be cancelled within 24h from when it was made, by the Guest or the Host, if the check-in date is at least 14 days away
(If within 14 days of check-in, the cancellation policy as per below will apply)


For a full refund of the nightly rate, guest must cancel at least 7 full days before the local check in time


If the guests cancels less than 7 days before the check in but before the actual check in day, 50% of the stay will be refunded


No refund after check in time has passed


Service Fee will not be refunded


The booking can be cancelled within 24h from when it was made, by the Guest or the Host, if the check-in date is at least 14 days away
(If within 14 days of check-in, the cancellation policy as per below will apply)


For a full refund of the nightly rate, guest must cancel at least 14 full days before the local check in time


If the guests cancels between 7-14 days before the actual check in day, 50% of the stay will be refunded


No refund after check in time has passed


Service Fee will not be refunded


The booking can be cancelled within 24h from when it was made, by the Guest or the Host, if the check-in date is at least 14 days away
(If within 14 days of check-in, the cancellation policy as per below will apply)


For a full refund of the nightly rate, guest must cancel at least 30 full days before the local check in time


If the guests cancels less than 30 days before the actual check in day there will be no refund


No refund after check in time has passed


Service Fee will not be refunded


The booking can be cancelled within 24h from when it was made, by the Guest or the Host, if the check-in date is at least 14 days away
(If within 14 days of check-in, the cancellation policy as per below will apply)


For a full refund of the nightly rate, guest must cancel at least 60 full days before the local check in time


If the guests cancels less than 60 days before the actual check in day there will be no refund


No refund after check in time has passed


Service Fee will not be refunded


This property uses a Custom Cancellation Policy, please see the HOUSE RULES section of the property to find out more!